02 Nov Facility Use Registration
Facility Usage Requests Closed
With the upcoming construction and expansion of our building, our facility will likely not be available for weddings or other personal use beginning this summer. We anticipate the construction to be completed in approximately a year. Due to this, our request form is now closed at this time. In the interim, If you have any questions regardling this and would like to ask us about a specific upcoming request, please feel free to reach out to the church office with the email address below and we will get back with you.
Email: office@newcbc.discovercbc.orgChurch Use Policy and Requirements
The Cornerstone Bible Church facility is a visible extension of the CBC church body and a ministry asset requiring oversight and stewardship. In addition to the corporate meeting times, others often request use of the CBC facilities including church members, attendees, and community groups. To direct proper use of the facility, the following policy has been established to guide decision making and scheduling of such requests. For weddings, please contact the church office for the Wedding Inquiries packet.
Purpose Statement
The church’s facilities were provided through God’s benevolence and by the sacrificial giving of church members. The church desires that its facilities be used for the fellowship of the Body of Christ and to bring glory to God. Although not generally open to the public, we make our facilities available to approved non-members as a witness of our faith in a spirit of Christian charity, and as a means of demonstrating the gospel of Jesus Christ in practice.
Facility use will not be permitted to persons or groups holding, advancing, or advocating beliefs or practices that conflict with the church’s faith or moral teachings, which are summarized in the church’s constitution, bylaws, and Statement of Faith documents. Additionally, church facilities may not be used for activities that contradict, or are deemed inconsistent with, the church’s faith or moral teachings. The elders of Cornerstone Bible Church are the final decision makers concerning use of church facilities.
This restricted facility use policy is necessary for two important reasons. First, the church may not in good conscience materially cooperate in activities or beliefs that are contrary to its faith. Allowing its facilities to be used for purposes that contradict the church’s belief would be material cooperation with that activity, and would be in grave violation of the church’s faith and religious practice (see 2 Corinthians 6:14, 1 Thessalonians 5:22).
Second, it is important that the church, its staff, and its members conscientiously maintain a consistent message to the community as a part of their witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Allowing facilities to be used by those who express beliefs or engage in practices contrary to the church’s faith would have a severe, negative impact on the message that the church strives to promote. It could also cause confusion and scandal to church members and the community who may reasonable perceive that by allowing use of our facility, the church agrees with the beliefs or practices of the persons or groups using its facilities.
Therefore, in no event shall persons use any church facility who hold, advance, advocate, or engage in beliefs that contradict the church’s faith. Likewise, church facilities may not be used in any way that contradicts the church’s faith. This policy applies to all church facilities, regardless of whether the facilities are connected to the church’s sanctuary, because the church sees all of its property as holy and set apart to worship God (Colossians 3:17).
Approved Users and Priority Of
The leadership of Cornerstone Bible Church must approve all uses of church facilities. Generally, priority shall be given to church members, their immediate families, and organized groups that are part of the ministry, organization, or sponsored activities of the church. Church facilities and equipment will be made available to non-members or outside groups meeting the following qualifications:
- The group or person seeking facility use must submit a reservation request form.
- Groups or persons requesting facility use must affirm that their beliefs and practices and planned uses of the facilities are consistent with the church’s faith and practice.
- The group or person seeking facility use must be willing to take responsibility for the facilities and equipment used and must agree to abide by the church’s rules of conduct for facility use, as stated below and as described in any additional instructions by the church staff.
Facility Request Policies
- With the exception of corporate meeting times (Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, Wednesday Warriors, Kid’s Choir, Youth Group, Family Meetings), all requests for facility use should be make through the church office. Centralizing requests through the Administrative Staff insures proper coordination as well as availability of time and space needed.
- Facility use reservations will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis; however, preference will first be given to CBC members.
- The event will be reserved and placed on the church calendar only after official approval from church officer is received by the church Administrative Staff.
- Requests must be made a minimum of 2 weeks ahead of the desired date.
- Sundays may not be requested for outside activities. Outside activities are defined as any non-member sponsored event.
- Room reservations may be requested but are not guaranteed depending upon demand.
Reservation Process
- To begin the process, submit a “Facility Use Form” online on our website including as many event details as possible.
- If the request has been approved, the church office will contact you to confirm the event details, and will send you an invoice as necessary.
- For non-CBC sponsored events, submit the facility use fee and a copy of your insurance two weeks prior to the event.
A minimum use fee of $50 for use of the CBC facility is charged to accommodate utility usage and/or cleaning requirements. This minimum fee ensures up to a total of three (3) concurrent hours of usage. Longer usage needs and/or size and details of the needs of the usage can incur larger fees (i.e. food usage, multiple room needs, etc.)
A separate deposit fee of $150 will be required in order to hold a date on the calendar and will be refunded following the event in as timely a manner as possible if met with an approved inspection. The deposit fee should be turned in at the same time this application and use fee are turned in (two separate checks are requested). Events canceled within one week can still be charged the use fee.
Insurance Requirement
For all non-church sponsored events (personally sponsored events that are not an open invitation to the church body), the group or person using the facilities must obtain liability insurance coverage and produce a Certificate of Insurance in the amount of at least $300,000.
Conditions of Use
- Access to the Building: If needed, the Deacon-on-call for the month will be responsible for arranging unlocking and locking of the facility.
- Saturday Events: All Saturday activities must conclude by 6:30pm in order to allow time to prepare for Sunday services.
- Prohibited Behavior: No smoking in the building is permitted. No alcoholic beverages are permitted on the entire property at any time. Abusive or foul language, violent behavior, and drug or alcohol abuse are strictly prohibited on church premises. Any person exhibiting such behavior will be required to leave the premises.
- Reserved Space: Groups are restricted to only those areas of the facility that the group has reserved.
- Church Equipment: When approved, church equipment may be used; however, set up and tear down (all equipment returned to original locations) are the responsibility of the applicant. Church equipment, such as tables and chairs, must be returned to original placement, unless arranged otherwise prior to the event. Additional fees may apply.
- A/V: Use of audio and video equipment is prohibited unless requested and approved on the Facility Use Request form. Church sound technicians will need to be employed for this function. Additional fees apply.
- Kitchen and Food or Beverage Use: If the kitchen area is used, the applicant must furnish all items. The kitchen must be cleaned following its use and returned to the condition prior to use. Food and beverages are not allowed in the sanctuary, and should be approved for other areas in the building. Colored drinks that can permanently stain the carpet (red, purple, etc.) are not allowed throughout the building.
- Cleaning and Damage: The applicant is responsible for cleaning up the facility and returning it to its original state. This includes removing any signage placed on the premises. Damaged, lost, or stolen church property will be deemed the responsibility of the applicant and will be billed at the replacement cost. Any damaged items should be reported to the church office as soon as possible. All personal items should be removed from the building following facility use. Cornerstone Bible Church does not assume responsibility for lost or damaged personal items.
Types of events (not an exhaustive list) that will not be approved include:
- Certain political forums or debates.
- Any non-CBC related requests for overnight use.
- Borrowing and removing from the church grounds any church equipment (tables, sound equipment, etc.)
- Requests that conflict with the church’s faith or moral teachings.
Have questions or need more information?
Contact us!
720 Liberty Dr., Westfield, IN 46074
Click Here to Upload Copy of Insurance
By clicking the button below, I affirm I have read all conditions above and am ready to complete the Facility Use Application Form.
We are grateful to The Alliance Defending Freedom, Inc. for their help with this document. This policy is taken directly from their A Legal Guide to Protecting Churches, Christian Schools, and Christian Ministries from Religious Freedom Threats handbook and adapted for the purposes of Cornerstone Bible Church, Westfield, Indiana.
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