Our Mission

As a ministry branch of Cornerstone Bible Church, Mulch for Missions exists to help fulfill the mission of CBC of making more and better disciples of Jesus Christ. Mulch funds are primarily directed towards helping fund outreach endeavors, CBC-led mission trips, and to bless our missionaries as needs arise.

About Mulch for Missions

Our Beginning

If you have ordered from us in the past, you probably know the name Christy Burdick. She began working with Mulch for Missions in 2006 through another church. Around 2013, Christy and her husband Bobby asked Cornerstone Bible Church, where they serve and worship, about using our parking lot to “stage” the mulch after the other church decided to stop their involvement with M4M. A few years later, our elder overseeing missions approached the Burdicks about bringing M4M into the church. During this time, sales grew steadily each year with the help of many volunteers and loyal customers. Then in 2017, our fundraiser experienced tremendous growth, nearly doubling in size.


In 2020, we sold pansies when a local grower donated flowers due to an order cancelation. These beautiful flowers were so popular, we added pansy sales to our mulch fundraising efforts in 2021.


The Lord’s provision of Christy’s vision, along with countless volunteers, M4M has raised funds to help send teams to Haiti, Nicaragua, Peru, Uganda, Kenya, Spain, and Miami to support and encourage our missionary partners. To God be the glory!


For the past three years, we have averaged selling, delivering, and spreading about 1100 cubic yards of mulch. In 2021, we sold out our capacity to spread before the first weekend of the season had begun. As you can imagine, this is no small undertaking with a 100% volunteer workforce!


After last season, Bobby and Christy decided to step down from their leadership roles with Mulch for Missions. We thank them and their kids: Shannon, Keegan, Trinity, and Carissa for their tireless service to this ministry!

Our Future

As we transition to new leadership, we are sure to experience some challenges. We ask for your patience and prayers. We have decided to scale back the ministry in 2022 as we evaluate how best to sustain Mulch for Missions into the future, while providing the level of service our customers deserve.


Unfortunately, this likely means we will not be able to serve some of our loyal customers due to a reduced schedule in 2022. We apologize in advance for this inconvenience. We are so thankful for your past support.

Our Schedule & Pricing

The Mulch for Missions 2022 season will include one weekend of flower sales and 4 weekends of mulch delivery and spreading.


Due to weather and spring break this past week, pansies will be for sale again this Saturday, April 16 from 1:00-6:00 P.M. in the south parking lot or until we sell out, whichever comes first. Minimum $15 donation.
Due to rising gas prices and other supply chain uncertainties, we are
implementing a 3 yard minimum order and reducing our service area.


New service area boundaries include:
• South of 206th Street
• North of 106th Street
• East of Hamilton/Boone County Line Road
• West of Hazel Dell Road


Mulch for Missions is not possible without many volunteers. We are fully-staffed by volunteers and have opportunities for anyone willing to share their special talents, or are just willing to lend a helping hand where needed. To volunteer click on the links below:


MFM Volunteer Breakfast


MFM Volunteers



Fun, detail-oriented bodies needed:
• Mid April-early June (1-2 hours/week)
• Prepare weekly file of delivery and spreading jobs
• Record customer payments
• Order Mulch from Tiffany’s
• Record expenses


To volunteer send your name, email, phone number to mulch@newcbc.discovercbc.org.



• Answer phone calls/emails

• Enter customer info into database & calendar

• Tuesdays, Thursdays or Fridays

• Beginning April 5 until we sell out capacity



• Create invoices from database

• 1-2 hour a week


Schedule Deliveries and Spreading

• Delivery Schedule must be complete
on Wednesday evenings,

• Spreading schedule complete by Thursday
evening (1-2 hours a week)


To volunteer send your name, email, phone number to mulch@newcbc.discovercbc.org.


Pansy Sales
April 8 (1-6 p.m.) / April 9 (9 a.m. • 6 p.m.)

• Unload from truck, take customer donations,
load customer vehicles (2 people per 2-hour shift)


MFM Volunteers



• Attend Driver Training

• Need drivers who can back a trailer into a driveway

• Need trucks able pull a trailer with up-to
10 yards of mulch


To volunteer send your name, email, phone number to mulch@newcbc.discovercbc.org.


April 22/23, April 29/30, May 13/14, May 20/21


Team Leads

• 2 for every Friday and 3 for every Saturday

• Communicate with scheduler for assignments

• Confirm and follow spreading instructions
from customer

• Need truck or trailer for hauling spreading tools


Organize Tools

• Organize and maintain tools before each
of the 8 spreading days

• Complete prior to Friday and Saturday spreading



• 2 teams of 10-12 on Friday (5:30 • 8:00 pm)

• 3 teams of 10-12 on Saturday (8:30am • 1:30 pm)


MFM Volunteers

Our Missionaries

Cornerstone Bible Church supports multiple mission efforts from around the world.

Gus Pidal joined the ministry in Leon in 2011 after graduating from TMS and is involved in discipling men and developing leadership in the church as well as training expositors through the ministry of Berea Bible Seminary where he acts as Dean.


After graduating from TMS in 2004, David Robles returned to his home country to serve as teaching pastor at Iglesia Evangelica De Leon. The Ministry represents perhaps the strongest Evangelical infuence in Spain and includes a growing church and Berea Seminary for training pastors in Expositional preaching throughout Spain and Portugal.
Cornerstone Bible Church supports the Hurley Family annd Sufficiency of Scripture (SOS) Ministries. SOS is a unique 501(c)(3) faith-based organization, dramatically impacting the precious people of Uganda through sound Biblical teaching and training in God’s Word, and through sacrificially demonstrating Christ’s love. Founded by missionary and preacher Shannon Hurley in 2002, SOS is headquartered in Uganda’s impoverished Luweero District, operating out of Kubamitwe village. The SOS Board of Directors, senior leadership and staff are composed almost entirely of Uganda nationals.
Grace Church Miami
Eric Bancroft moved to Miami in 2018 after much prayer and consultation to start a church in an area with a limited Evangelical presence and a wide range of ethnic background. Grace Church Miami launched in January of 2019. Eric previously pastored at Castleview Bible Church in Castleton.
Kirby Myers is the Campus Director of Fellowship of Christian Athletes at West Virginia University where he focuses on Evangelism and Discipleship among the students. He previously served in the same role at the Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD and as pastor of the Bible Church of Brownsburg.