We want to invite all of the men of CBC to an important Wednesday morning class this summer.
Through no concerted effort of our own, Cornerstone Bible Church has been blessed with tremendous growth.
Backyard Bible Clubs are coming to a neighborhood near you this summer!
Services: Sundays at 8:15, 9:45, & 11:15 A.M.
We are committed to preaching the Word of God every single week. You should expect to hear expository preaching which is a style of preaching that systematically works through a book in the Bible from the first verse of the book through the last. This summer we are not offering any Children's Church. However, we are offering Nursery (through age 4) during our 8:15 & 9:45 A.M. service in our basement (The Well). Our student ministry grades of 6th-12th graders will meet during the summer in the Well during third service at 11:15 A.M. for a time of worship and learning from God’s Word.