13 Mar CBC Coronovirus Update
Things in our world continue to change rapidly, and your elders and church staff have been praying and discussing what we need to do in light of these changes. Yesterday our governor released some guidelines and recommendations for the state of Indiana to protect Hoosiers and slow the rate of transmission of the COVID-19 virus. Most of you have likely seen those guidelines. They include the postponement or cancelation of non-essential gatherings of more than 250 people as well as gatherings that do not allow social distancing of six feet per person.
Regardless of your personal opinions as to whether these guidelines are necessary or helpful in slowing down the spread of the virus, we want to joyfully submit to our governmental leaders and do our part in this challenging situation. We want to be good neighbors and show our love for people in all of this – especially to those most vulnerable to the virus. This is a very difficult and painful decision to have to make because we value and love our gatherings together as a church family. This is especially true about our Sunday morning worship service. But we believe that is absolutely the right thing to do.
With these guidelines in mind and with the closing of our schools until after Spring Break, we are canceling all church meetings and events and gatherings for the next few weeks. This includes Sunday morning worship, all Wednesday night ministries, Thursday morning women’s ministries, Home Fellowship Groups, and Cornerstone Preschool. Sadly this also includes the postponement of our Women’s Conference planned for next weekend.
We will be live-streaming our Sunday morning worship service, as we do every week, on Facebook. Here is the link so that you can watch and worship with us online: https://www.facebook.com/discovercbc. I’m so thankful we have the ability to do this, and I want to encourage you to be sure to be a part of it by tuning in. If you don’t participate in Facebook, I can’t think of a better reason to join. Please don’t miss this Sunday’s service. I will be preaching a sermon dealing with our godly and faithful response to this virus. I believe it will be a blessing to you.
Know that our decision to cancel ministries for awhile is not driven by fear. It is driven instead by humble submission to our leaders and love for our community. And this is also not an indication of a lack of commitment to God and His word. We have full confidence in God and His sovereign authority, wisdom and love in all things. We will continue monitoring the situation closely and reassess what we’re doing as things change. Please be careful and wise in all you do. If you need help at any time don’t hesitate to reach out to me, your elders, deacons, or anyone in our church family. Pray for our leaders as they lead us during these challenging days. Pray for each other and for people in our community. Look for ways to love and help people in need. And be sure to speak up about Jesus and the hope you have in Him.
Love you all. See you Sunday online at 10:30.
Pastor Kirk
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